"I would NEVER do that..."
Sound familiar? Going through experiences that challenge us and finding out that sometimes we DO do that I hope only give us more empathy for the human race. There but for the Grace of God, go I. I have found myself to be much less judgmental than the person I was even 2 or 3 years ago because I've found myself in a position of doing things I never ever thought I would. I have arrived at the conclusion that either I can be embarrassed about it all and try to forget it or I can learn from it. Now when I hear about someone else going through the same thing I try to imagine the difficulties they are facing and empathize with them. The last time I checked I was still human and so are they. There's not much difference (except for bra size, I imagine...)
Am I the only person in the world that has suffered a broken heart? No, though it feels like it. Where there was such hope, there is now discouragement. Where there was promise, there are now ashes. Will the world still turn? Yep. The sun will rise, the cows will flatulate. Each day will come and I will go on. I'm sick of being sad! I'm sick of my own tears. I'm sick of the slashes on my heart. I'm sick of all the hurt. Don't you just wish you could shake some sense into some people? I think that's what my close friends wished they could do with me. Unfortunately, I always have to learn the hard way and at the expense of my shredded, dehydrated heart. I need to go shoe shopping...
I love how you can say the most sincere things and then throw in cows flatulating:) I admire you Kendall. <3
Love you and remember It was there to teach you and grow..., I know you are hurt and Im always here for you girly!
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