
Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Last night we attended the Def Leppard concert out at the Usana Amphitheater in WVC. I had one of the best times ever not so much because of why we were there but who we were there with. Our good friends, Tristan and Allison, attended with us and reminded me of what it felt like to have fun again. The concert started off slightly tense because the traffic from 2700 West all the way out to the show was so bad it took us probably 45 minutes to drive 3 or 4 miles. Needless to say we missed Cheap Trick who opened the show. After arriving the next order of business was to secure some chow so Allie and I did the deed and stood in line for several days. Poison was the next band up and we missed about half of them (yes, Ben, they played "Unskinny Bop!") but really, who cares? The openers were not why we were there. Usana has a big reserved seat section in the front and a massive grass area in the rear which is where we were. We parked ourselves behind a group of women who turned out to be almost as entertaining as the band. Two of them, who shall remain nameless mainly because we never found out what they were, dressed as 80s era teenyboppers complete with leg warmers, ripped t-shirts and truly horrific makeup. They had written pithy messages on their behinds with puff paint; something about rock and roll and kissing said behind. One of them was celebrating her 37th birthday so it was no surprise when the party favors came out (namely cinnamon shnapps and something else I never figured out. Quite a loosening of inhibitions followed with elegant and romantic displays of freaking and body shots. One of their companions, aka Miz Bumpandgrind, featured us with an uncoordinated and slightly disturbing series of pelvic gyrations that made me laugh so hard I nearly wet my pants. We had a fun time and props to Tristan who came with us even though he was unfamiliar with the band and what they sang other than 3 or 4 classics that now even end up on Muzak stations around the world.

Usana is notorious for having one of the worst parking areas to get out of. Last time we were there it took us an hour to just get out. So we high-tailed it back to the car when the concert ended and thought we were making great time. This time it only took us a half an hour. As we sat idling in the 7th level of parking lot hell, Tristan began questioning everyone that walked passed: "DID YOU GUYS ROCK?" Each inquiry was punctuated with the traditional rock on finger salute and what we found out was that most people were happy to tell us that YES THEY DID! It got quite raucous in the car and people must have thought we'd been drinking (not a drop.) Our popularity in the parking lot rose considerably and we were invited to 2 different after parties and flashed once. With all of the yelling and laughing and honking, we must have been quite a sight to others...a bunch of 40 year olds in a Suburban asking everyone if they rocked or not. (Sorry, Allie's only 33.) It was awesome to see people respond positively to the hilariousness that is Tristan and get caught up in the fun we were having. All of this energy along with a brief stop at a 7-11 also caused enough distraction to get us slightly turned around on the way home and instead of heading back to the freeway we ended up at the Bingham Copper Mine. Oops. East, Blair go east! This morning I feel strung out, my throat is killing me from all of the screaming and laughing and I suspect there may be footage of us somewhere on Youtube. It was so much fun and I sooooo needed to be reminded what fun is. Thanks guys--I love you.