I have been seriously slacking in the blogging dept. Everyone, in some combination or another, has been sick (including myself ) so blogging has taken a backseat on the priority list. What is with all of the viral crap that's going around? I think we picked up one of those "superbugs" everyone talks about. Now here's a puzzler...what kind of name should one give a superbug? It's certainly super at making phlegm. And sore throats. How about "Astro Phlegm" and his trusty sidekicks "The Booger Brigade?" Or possibly, "The Fabulous Fever Five" featuring "Cough-Up-A-Lung-Boy?" I mean, really, if we have to endure these superbugs we might as well try to have a sense of humor about the whole mess. Normally, our catch-all reason for mysterious illnesses is "it must be a tapeworm." I don't think it's a tapeworm, Toto. Did you know that they actually used to sell tapeworms as a form of weight loss? I would rather go for a slight case of dysentery myself, but that's another blog for another day.
Speaking of tapeworms, I was watching a show on Discovery Health about being eaten alive. Actually, it was about people that had travelled to other parts of the world and for whatever reason picked up some sort of parasite. Now, talk about ewwwwwwwwwwww! Makes me want to never set foot outside my door. These parasites ranged from our pal, the tapeworm to parasitic fish, Giardia, worms under the skin, Bott fly larvae and others equally as entertaining. The show was akin to watching a horrible car wreck; you didn't want to see it but couldn't look away. The most valuable thing I learned was for mainly men. Boys, if you ever go swimming in the Amazon make sure you don't pee in it. A certain type of parasitic fish is attracted to it and swims up the urethra where it checks in to it's fabulous golf and day-spa accommodations and never wants to leave. Ugh!